
Bouquet of 6 Red Roses



Bouquet of 6 Red Roses

Why give only one when you have the option to give more? Flower Patch offers a bouquet of 6 red roses so you can express your feelings or send a thoughtful gesture for the person who is dear to your heart.

Rose is a universal flower, but no matter what its form is, it never fails to warm a heart. This bouquet of 6 red roses is the perfect present for someone special to your heart. Rose symbolizes unmistakable expression of love and conveys deep emotions, including, love, respect, admiration and devotion. Give this bouquet today to share your feelings with another person.

Don’t let words hold you back in expressing your feelings. Say it with flowers! Order this bouquet of 6 red roses from Flower Patch now!

We offer FREE flower delivery in Pasig, Makati, Mandaluyong, Pasay, Marikina, San Juan, Manila, Pateros, Taguig, Quezon City, Parañaque, Cainta Rizal, Taytay Rizal, Kalookan, Malabon, Navotas, Valenzuela, Fairview, Novaliches, Las Piñas and Muntinlupa

SKU: V-FP-B80 Category: Product ID: 14150
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