
All Souls’ Day Celebrations Around the World

Pre-pandemic, All Souls’ Day is one of the most celebrated occasions in the Philippines. Being a country with strong religious beliefs and traditions that have been passed on from generation to generation, November 1 and 2 have become among the most sought after holidays of the year. However, the pandemic has changed this. Restrictions have discouraged gatherings that affected All Souls’ Day celebrations in the Philippines.

Since this holiday is fast approaching again, you may want to take a look back and reminisce the different All Souls’ Day celebrations meant to honor the dead from around the world.


Different All Souls’ Day Celebrations Around the World


All Souls’ Day Celebration in General

November 1 and 2 are two days that are intended to remember and honor the dead. This is especially true among Christians, particularly Catholics. During these days, sometimes even days before, the loved ones of the departed go to cemeteries to offer prayers, candles and flowers for the dead. 

NOTE: All Saints’ Day is on November 1 which is meant to honor the saints. All Souls’ Day is on November 2 which is intended to pray for the dead and the repose of souls in purgatory.



As one of the countries with a large population of Catholics, All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day are very important. Among the traditions that have long been followed is the visit of relatives to cemeteries which often end up as a mini-reunion. 

The celebration also won’t be complete without food for the dead as well as the people who’ll visit the grave. This can range from simple snacks to party foods for sharing. Usually, after praying, visitors celebrate by having a mini-feast.

Candles and flowers are also a must-have. Usually, people buy a flower arrangement that may be customized for the dead. There are also lots of flower shops outside cemeteries offering flowers and candles. However, people usually flock to these stores too so if you want to avoid the crowd, it’s best to order ahead of time so you can have a bouquet ready for your departed loved ones.



In Spain, All Souls’ Day is celebrated by visiting graves. However, in this country, they offer special traditional pastries known as Huesos de Santo or “bones of the holy” together with traditional All Souls’ Day flowers.



France is one of the countries where All Souls’ Day is not a big deal. They celebrate and go to cemeteries on All Saints’ Day instead of All Souls’ Day. Although, not a big occasion, French people still bring traditional flowers to the dead, particularly chrysanthemums to pay respect to their loved ones.



Mexico is popular for El Dia de Los Muertos, a two-day celebration that starts with All Saints’ Day and continues through All Souls’ Day. During this time of the year, deceased family members are believed to visit their families. As Mexicans anticipate the coming of their departed loved ones, they prepare and throw a party for them. Huge servings of food and drink are served, especially the favorites of the dearly departed. The Day of the Dead is also when lavish costumes are worn and parades are held.



Italy is one of the countries where a huge population of Catholics can be found. As with other Catholic countries, All Souls’ Day is celebrated here. The family of the departed usually take a meal in the cemetery as a way to spend the occasion with a deceased loved one. Another tradition followed by Italians is the giving out of treats to children after they prayed for the dead all year long.



In Peru, the families of the departed visit the graves of their loved ones and bring small gifts for the dead. Offerings are also given in the form of food, flowers and even dolls to show their undying love for a departed loved one.


El Salvador

El Salvador has its own version of the Day of the Dead and it is called La Calabiuza which means  “skull”. While most All Souls’ Day celebrations are influenced by traditions and religious beliefs, this event in El Salvador is important to the country’s history and culture. La Calabiuza embraces the Central American folklore and involves dressing up as spooky characters, from the dead to the devil, It is also a sharp rejection of the Halloween tradition. 


ALSO READ: The Meaning of Gifting Flowers in Various Countries


All Souls’ Day celebrations differ around the world. But what’s consistent about them is the desire to honor a dearly departed and show that they are still remembered no matter how long they have been gone.

This coming All Souls’ Day, traditions may no longer be the same as they were before the pandemic but there are traditions that you can still keep. You may want to delay going to cemeteries too to be able to avoid the crowd. Fortunately, you can take time to pray for your dearly departed loved ones and offer them All Souls’ Day flowers. Some traditions will stay the same no matter what the odds may be.


Are you in search of All Souls’ Day flowers? Order early to avoid the rush. The Flower Patch Shop’s expert florists can customize flower arrangements according to your liking. Contact us now to place an order.

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