
Bouquet of 4 Stems of Yelloween Lily


SKU: FP-B135

Bouquet of 4 Stems of Yelloween Lily

Remember the first time you met your first love while you were still young yet you know it was real, it was love. Afternoon walks in the park, midnight conversations, and homemade dinners are only some of the memorable moments you shared together. To this day, you are reminiscing them with sweet smiles curved on your lips, seated side-by-side, cherishing your married life together. You both realized that nothing has changed and still love each other the way you did the first time your paths met. Nothing deserves to be celebrated than your unwavering love for each other – and to mark every anniversaries, milestones and successes you achieve, celebrate them with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a bouquet of Yelloween lilies to be exact! Order your celebratory flowers from Flower Patch today!

We offer FREE flower delivery in Pasig, Makati, Mandaluyong, Pasay, Marikina, San Juan, Manila, Pateros, Taguig, Quezon City, Parañaque, Cainta Rizal, Taytay Rizal, Kalookan, Malabon, Navotas, Valenzuela, Fairview, Novaliches, Las Piñas and Muntinlupa.

SKU: FP-B135 Categories: , , , , Product ID: 263
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