
Bouquet of 2 Dozen Imported Roses


SKU: V-FP-B283

Bouquet of 2 Dozen Imported Roses 

Whether there is a special occasion or none, you can make your loved one smile with a nice bouquet of imported roses in colors that she’ll love! A nice flower arrangement composed of these imported roses would be enough to make her feel loved.

Flower Patch’s offers this beautiful bouquet so you can express your love to that one special person in your life. It features fresh and beautiful blooms–you are sure to have a creation that’s not only appealing, but also helps you in sending your message without having to say a word.

Order 2 dozen imported Roses for your loved one now. Contact us!

Free delivery in Pasig, Makati, Mandaluyong, Pasay, Marikina, San Juan, Manila, Pateros, Taguig, Quezon City, Parañaque, Cainta Rizal, Taytay Rizal, Kalookan, Malabon, Navotas, Valenzuela, Fairview, Novaliches, Las Piñas and Muntinlupa

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SKU: V-FP-B283 Category: Product ID: 14167
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