
Plantita Alert! 9 Low Maintenance Flowers You Can Grow at Home

The pandemic has brought out the “plantitas”and “plantitos” in many Filipinos. Gardening gained greater popularity during the quarantine period. This could be due to the extra time that many people got to spend inside their homes. Another reason could be the satisfaction that one gets from being capable of nurturing and growing something.

While there are those who have been gardening for some time already, some are just starting to discover the “green thumb” that they may have. If you’re one of the latter, you better start simple. 

The good news is, there are lots of low-maintenance flowers you can easily grow at home. Here’s a list to help cap off your plantita journey and get by just fine!


9 Low-Maintenance Flowers You Can Grow at Home


9 Low-Maintenance Flowers You Can Grow at Home


Want to be a plantito or a plantita? Build up your confidence with these low-maintenance flowers that you can easily grow at home!

1. Dahlia

These lovely flowers can grow up to 6 feet in height and are available in different colors including purple, red, orange, pink, yellow and white. Dahlias also vary in shapes. You can choose from single, double, pompom, spiky and anemone.

Plant Care:

  • Plant in well-drained and sandy soil
  • Keep away from hot and humid areas
  • 2 to 3 deep waterings per week required after growth

Did You Know:  During the Victorian era, dahlias are recognized as a symbol of commitment and an everlasting union. Later on, it also became one of the most common wedding flowers.

2. Begonias

Available in a variety of shades like red, pink, yellow, purple and white. It can grow up to two feet and is known as one of the easy to grow plants you can have at home. In fact, it can thrive even if you don’t have a sunny garden as it loves to be in the shade

Plant Care:

  • Grow in moist but well-drained soil
  • Ideal to be in the shade
  • Drought tolerant
  • Regular watering is essential
3. Lavender

These pretty blooms that can grow up to 2 feet in height are actually herbs. They are commonly available in the shades of purple and lavender. However, there are white and pink varieties of lavenders, too. 

Plant Care:

  • Plant in well-drained soil
  • Drought tolerant so infrequent but deep watering can be done.
  • Ideal to grow under full sun exposure 

FUN FACT: The scent of lavender can keep mice, flies, mosquitoes, and other types of pests away!

4. Geranium

These low-maintenance flowers can grow up to 3 feet, Color variants include white, red, pink, purple, magenta, rose, and lavender. Geraniums are also among the edible plants as its blooms and leaves can be eaten.

Plant Care:

  • Prefers rich and well-drained soil
  • Regular watering is required but be careful not to over-water
  • Thrives in hot climates
  • Expose in full sun/afternoon shade 
5. Sweet Peas

These highly fragrant flowers can grow up to 8 feet. They are well-loved for their scent which aside from fragrant can also drive the flies away! Its color varieties include blue, red, white, purple and pink.

Plant Care:

  • Thrives in loamy and well-drained soil
  • Water at the base must be kept moist
  • Put under full sun
  • For support, grow near fences
6. Sunflowers

Known as the ‘happy flowers’, they make the perfect ‘lift me up’ gifts. Aside from tracking the sun, these flowers also attract bees, birds, and butterflies. They are available in vibrant colors of yellows, browns and mixed. These flowers can also grow up to 16 feet!

Plant Care:

  • Drought and heat tolerant
  • Thrives in full sun
  • Can thrive in almost all soil types except water-logged
  • Add support to prevent breakage when fully grown

Did You Know: The world’s tallest sunflower extends up to 30 feet and 1 inch!

7. Marigolds

These flowers can grow from seeds and are known as one of the mosquito repelling plants. They grow up to 3 feet. These pretty blooms come in different shades such as yellow, red, gold, and mixed colors and are made more beautiful with their petals that overlap.

Plant Care:

  • Thrives well in dry and sandy gardens
  • Requires frequent watering (NOTE: allow to dry between waterings)
  • Must be planted where full sun is available
8. Petunias

Petunias are small flowers with blooms that grow about an inch. Although inferior in size as compared to others, petunias can easily survive varying conditions and take little maintenance. They also come in a variety of colours including red, yellow, white, pink and purple.

Plant Care:

  • Can be exposed to full and partial sun
  • Ideally, expose the plant to sunlight for at least 5 hrs per day
  • Water once a week 
  • Thrives in well-drained and fertile soil
9. Zinnia

A genus of the sunflower and daisy family, zinnias come in a variety of colors including red, orange, yellow, pink, and white. They reach up to 2 feet in height and are known to attract butterflies, too! Zinnias are also among the favorite flowers to give as they symbolize lasting friendship, goodness and remembrance.

Plant Care:

  • Likes rich, well-drained soil
  • Has moderate water requirements
  • Grows best in full sun


The Amazing Benefits of Flowers


While many will consider home gardening as a hobby or a way to kill time, there are actually huge benefits associated with flowers. So whether you received it from someone or you grow your own flowers at home, it’s good to take note of its overall effects.

1. Therapeutic Effects

Flowers have therapeutic effects. Those who grow their flowers feel a sense of satisfaction at the thought of being able to nurture life and doing your part in its growth. 

On the other hand, flowers are among the popular get well soon gifts as the mere sight of flowers promote happiness and drives away ill feelings.

2. Mood Enhancement

Flowers can boost a person’s mood amidst stress and anxiety. It can instantly put a person in a good mood because of its tranquil effects and the happiness felt upon the sight of flowers.

3. Overall Wellness

As a whole, flowers help improve overall wellness. It helps relax the nerves, lowers heart rate, and promotes mind and body balance. The beauty of flowers brings psychological benefits and also boosts a person’s self-esteem.


ALSO READ: 5 Beautiful Flowers that Preserve Mental Health


Flowers bring amazing benefits and you may experience twice the joy and satisfaction from the flowers you grow at home.

However, if you are not confident with your ‘green thumb’ or if you don’t have the time to maintain your flower garden, you can choose to have beautiful flowers delivered at your home.

The Flower Patch Shop offers same-day flower delivery in the Philippines so you can have the most beautiful blooms delivered at your doorstep whenever you want. Choose from our huge selection of flowers that are suited for all occasions.

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